antigua sailing week 2017
50th Sailing Week 2017

Antigua Sailing Week in 2017 is April 29th to May 5th.



In 2017 it is also marked by the half century, that's right its 50th Aniversary it's going to be extra special. If you saw the schedule before you will see that there are races on water that are quite serious and this is a major yachting event globally !



If you are racing you need to check the official schedule here. As a follower and spectator see the short list is below.

April 28th- Guadeloupe to Antigua Race

In not breaking with tradition, the friday before the racing there is a race from Guadeloupe to Antigua, just to get you in the mood!
By 6pm be at the Antigua Yacht Club for the prize giving.

April 29th- Around Antigua Race

Another sort of warm up but yet serious a race around the island, again set yourself up for the prize giving, 6pm be at the Antigua Yacht Club.

April 30th- RACE DAY 1

Off the south coast get yourself up to Shirley Heights for a spectator party 8am to 1:15pm.
Ask around locally nearer the time for the after party and prizes. English Harbour are sponsors of todays event.

May 1st - RACE DAY 2

Shirley Heights 9-2pm again for the place to be.

May 2nd - RACE DAY 3

Damian Marley is headining at 6pm. More Info

damian marley sailing week

Prize giving is 3-6pm at AYC.


Get down to pigeon beach to enjoy the informal fun race (an invitational regatta) off pigeon point. I guess we all need a rest right ! 

May 4th - RACE DAY 4

South coast of Antigua again restarts the serious racing.
Shirley Heights Lookout Party from 9am to 2pm
Chase the race beach party (locations to change daily ask at event) 1pm til 6pm.
Prize giving at AYC 3pm to 6pm.
Lord Nelson Ball - try to get on the invitation only list, failing that the bigger more lively party will be in Falmouth / English Harbour.

May 5th - RACE DAY 5

South coast of Antigua for the final days racing.
Shirley Heights Lookout Party from 9am to 2pm
Chase the race beach party (locations to change daily ask at event) 1pm til 6pm.
Prize giving at AYC 2pm to 5pm.
Awards Ceremony and after Party - follow the crowd till you drop.

May 6th - drink water detox, book for next year :)

History of Antgua Sailing Week.

The very first non official event had 10 boats and was organised with impetus from hoteliers to extend the season in Antigua. The original started 8th June til the 15th. These days it is the last Sunday in April yearly. In its heyday 250 yachts raced, these days technology has forced the numbers down to around a hundred. Classics now sail their own race as the two don't mix. If you want to read more then this is the accurate link to follow.


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