Effective Date: June 22nd 2023

At Best Antigua, we are committed to promoting ethical practices and ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking have no place in our business operations or supply chains. This policy outlines our commitment to combating modern slavery and sets out the steps we take to prevent and address any such activities within our organization.

1. Policy Statement

1.1 Best Antigua is dedicated to acting ethically, with integrity, and in full compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We are committed to preventing slavery, forced labor, human trafficking, and other forms of exploitation from occurring within our business and supply chains.

1.2 We acknowledge our responsibility to respect and protect human rights, and we strive to work with partners, suppliers, and stakeholders who share our commitment to eradicating modern slavery.

2. Our Responsibilities

2.1 Best Antigua is responsible for:

a. Establishing and maintaining a robust system to identify and assess potential risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking in our business operations and supply chains.

b. Implementing effective measures to prevent, detect, and address any instances of modern slavery and human trafficking.

c. Providing training and awareness programs to our employees to ensure they understand the risks associated with modern slavery and know how to identify and report any concerns.

d. Encouraging and supporting the reporting of suspected cases of modern slavery, whether within our organization or within our supply chains.

e. Conducting regular audits and assessments of our suppliers to evaluate their compliance with anti-slavery and human trafficking requirements.

3. Supplier Engagement

3.1 Best Antigua expects all our suppliers, contractors, and business partners to share our commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking. We will work closely with our suppliers to ensure compliance with our standards and conduct regular reviews to assess their performance.

3.2 We will actively encourage our suppliers to adopt and implement their own anti-slavery policies and procedures, and we will support them in their efforts to identify and mitigate any risks within their own supply chains.

4. Transparency and Communication

4.1 Best Antigua will make this Modern Slavery Act Policy readily available to our employees, suppliers, stakeholders, and the public through our website or any other appropriate channels.

4.2 We will communicate our expectations and requirements regarding modern slavery prevention to our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders, providing them with the necessary support and guidance to fulfill their responsibilities.

5. Review and Improvement

5.1 Best Antigua will regularly review and update this Modern Slavery Act Policy to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with legal and industry standards.

5.2 We will learn from any incidents or concerns raised and take appropriate action to improve our processes and prevent future occurrences of modern slavery and human trafficking.

5.3 Best Antigua will collaborate with relevant organizations, industry bodies, and government agencies to share knowledge and best practices in the fight against modern slavery.


Calvin Crane
Best Antigua
