Under New Management- the following information may be out of date.

Probably the best sports bar in Antigua - maybe the only one really. Certainly the go to bar in the Jolly Harbour area. Rumour has it they are opening up in the mornings to show english premier league football. The food is very good too. You will get to mix with locals and expats alike. Marc the manager certainly knows how to run a good bar with his experience of managing bars all over the world. It's almost a theme for the bar as well with flags adorning the walls and ceiling.

Food is typical bar food like wings and some local treats too.
There are some slot machines curiously and of course big screens for the big game.

AKA Da Underdog Bar

Marc the owner knows what people like in a bar and he has created a great use for this space where once the Akropolis Greek restaurant used to be. It is just outside the entrance to the Jolly Beach Resort and Tranquility Bay.


Located at the Jolly Castle building just outside the Jolly Beach Resort.

marc underdog

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